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Altruism and generosity


COLOR & LIGHT: Rhodonite is a pink stone with black inclusions and striation.

PHYSICAL: A manganese metasilicate mineral with a hardness of 5.5 to 6.5. Found in Sweden, Australia, India, Madagascar, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, and the USA.

HISTORICAL: Rhodonite was first discovered in 1790 in the Ural Mountains near Sidelnikovo. In 1819, the German naturalist Christoph Friedrich Jasche named the stone rhodonite, derived from the Greek word "rhodo," which means "rose." Its name derives from the Greek word meaning "rose red."

ENERGETIC: Rhodonite is a stone of self-worth. It encourages altruism and generosity.

METAPHYSICAL: Opens the heart chakra and promotes the energy of love. This type of love is the love of giving, generosity, and altruism (as opposed to romantic or familial love.) It helps one to understand one's gifts and purpose

RHODONITE is featured on:
Black Rose 6mm

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