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Red Tiger Eye

Balance and manifestation

Red Tiger Eye

COLOR & LIGHT: Red Tiger Eye is a striated stone with red shades and hues.

PHYSICAL: VERY RARE - A silicon dioxide mineral with a hardness of 7. Found in South Africa, India, Australia, and the USA. Most Red Tiger Eye has been heat-treated to give a reddish appearance.

HISTORICAL: ANCIENT - Red Tiger Eye stone has a long and illustrious history, and its usage dates back to antiquity. It is believed that Tibet and India are where it first appeared. It was used in Tibet to advance spiritual practice and for healing and protection in India. The Chinese are mostly responsible for the Red Tiger Eye's contemporary meaning since they have long seen it as a sign of bravery and protection.

ENERGETIC: A stone of balance and harmony. It aids focus and endurance on long projects. Its energy pushes you toward action adn is good for procrastination.

METAPHYSICAL: Balances the lower three chakras. It also opens the mind to paradox. It allows one to find the harmonious center between polarities.

RED TIGER EYE is featured on:
Fire Tiger 6mm and 8mm
Obsidian Fire 6mm and 8mm

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