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Red Jasper

Strength and vitality

Red Jasper

COLOR & LIGHT: Red Jasper is a solid red, opaque stone.

PHYSICAL: COMMON - A microcrystalline variety of quartz. It has a hardness of 6.5 to 7. It is primarily found in Brazil, the USA, and other countries.

HISTORICAL: ANCIENT - Ancient people regarded the stone Red Jasper, as a sacred stone of physical and spiritual protection—a natural healing stone that amounts to courage and wisdom. Therefore, Red Jasper was once a talisman of warriors and carried as a source of protection.

ENERGETIC: Red Jasper is a stone of physical strength and energy. Aids in releasing negative emotional or sexual experiences. It has a very stabilizing effect which is excellent for those who feel physically depressed. It can be stimulating for those who are lethargic or unassertive.

METAPHYSICAL: Strengthens your connection to the root chakra. It can increase your strength and vitality. Red Jasper supports the rising of kundalini energy. Kundalini energy is felt as vitality, warmth, and stability in the chakras. It rises from the root chakra up through all the chakras.

RED JASPER is featured on:
Rainbow Chakra/Pride 6mm and 8mm
Tiger Eye Chakra/Pride 6mm and 8mm

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