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Feminine Divine


COLOR & LIGHT: Moonstone is a white felspar with a beautiful blue-white sheen.

PHYSICAL: COMMON - A feldspar, a potassium aluminum silicate with a hardness of 6 to 6.5. It is found in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Burma, Australia, India, and the USA.

HISTORICAL: ANCIENT - Moonstone was used in Roman jewelry almost two thousand years ago, and even longer ago in the Orient. In India, moonstone has always been a sacred stone, with special significance for lovers.

ENERGETIC: Encourages calmness, patience, and inner tranquility. For lovers, it can inspire passion and love.

METAPHYSICAL: The gem of the High Priestess and is strongly connected to the Feminine Divine. It is a crown chakra crystal connecting one with journeys deep into the self and also past lives. It can reveal to women their feminine power. For men, it can connect them to their feminine side, an important step to wholeness.

MOONSTONE is featured on:
Clear Moon 8mm
Angel Rising 6mm
LOVE (Light Blue) 6mm and 8mm
LOVE (Sea Green) 6mm and 8mm
Moonstone Necklace

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