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Malachite (Green & White)

Emotional balance and protection

Malachite (Green & White)

COLOR & LIGHT: Malachite is a banded stone of lighter and darker shades of vivid green.

PHYSICAL: A copper carbonate mineral with a hardness of 3.5 to 4. Its name comes from the Greek word for its color, malache. Good malachite is found in Russia and Zaire. It is also found in Australia, Chile, South Africa, and the USA. White malachite is a synthetic variation that mimics malachites patterns.

Primary minerals: COPPER, CARBON

HISTORICAL: VERY ANCIENT - Malachite was known in Egypt as early as 3000 B.C. It was popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans for jewelry, ornaments, and as an eye shadow.

ENERGETIC: Aids in building self-confidence and emotional clarity. It assists one in maintaining emotional balance and helps avoid one's own emotional pitfalls.

METAPHYSICAL: Emanates the healthiest energy pattern of the heart chakra. It protects against negative energy patterns by radiating positive vibrations and strength.

MALACHITE is featured on:
Rose Hearts 6mm
Verde Corazón 6mm

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