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Inner transformation


COLOR & LIGHT: Larvikite is silvery gray Labradorite. It has silver-bluish shimmering crystals that give it a flash similar to labradorite.

PHYSICAL: RARE - A black igneous rock made up of felspar found in Scandinavia. It is also sometimes called Black Moonstone, even though it's not actually a moonstone.

HISTORICAL: NEW AGE - Discovered in Norway, but can also be found in Canada. It has been mined since 1884.

ENERGETIC: A stone of inner transformation. It will help strengthen and increase willpower.

METAPHYSICAL: Provides a powerful connection between the earth, nature, and the new moon. It is a powerful grounding crystal for processing out negative energy.

LARVIKITE is featured on:
Black Rose 6mm
Elemental 6mm and 8mm

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