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Lapis Luzuli

Truth and initiation

Lapis Luzuli

COLOR & LIGHT: Lapis Luzui is a brilliant blue stone with pyrite and white calcite inclusions.

PHYSICAL: UNCOMMON - A sodium aluminum silicate with a hardness of 5 to 6. In Latin, it means "blue stone." The finest Lapis Lazuli comes from Afghanistan.

HISTORICAL: VERY ANCIENT - Lapis was used to entomb and decorate the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians used Lapis in scarabs, beads, pendants, and other jewelry as far back as 3100 B.C.

ENERGETIC: A stone of truth and initiation. It can be a catalyst to enhanced intuition. Lapis Lazuli helps one move one's consciousness beyond the mundane and allows one to identify habits, patterns, and lessons one may have difficulty perceiving consciously.

METAPHYSICAL: A premier stone of the third eye. It strengthens intuition and access to spiritual guidance. It can stimulate journeys into your higher awareness.

LAPIS LUZULI is featured on:
Blue Ray Grounding 8mm
Lapis Ascension 8mm
Lapis Luzuli Tear Drop Necklace

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