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COLOR & LIGHT: Labradorite has a brilliant display of color (labradorescence) showing vivid flashes of green, blue, gold, orange, red, and sometimes violet.

PHYSICAL: A plagioclase feldspar with a hardness of 6 to 6.5. Found mostly in Canada and Madagascar.

HISTORICAL: NEW - Labradorite was first found in 1770 on the Labrador peninsula in Canada. It has since been discovered in Russia and Norway. Other types of Labradorite include Spectrolite (Finland) and Larvikite (Scandinavia.)

ENERGETIC: The gemstone of magic. It aids one in doing "inner work" to root out old negative patterns.

METAPHYSICAL: Awakens mental and intuitive abilities. It enhances "coincidence control" or the practice of increasing the observed degree of synchronicity and serendipity in one's life. It is an interdimensional stone key to opening the third eye chakra.

LABRADORITE is featured on:
Third Eye Mystic 6mm
Inner Magic 8mm

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