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Manifestation, grounding, attraction


COLOR & LIGHT: Most hematite is tumbled and polished with a metallic gray color. In its powdered form, hematite is red and is also found as a red inclusion in quartz and many other minerals.

PHYSICAL: COMMON - An iron oxide mineral with a hardness of 5 to 6. Hematite has also been identified on Mars.

HISTORICAL: VERY ANCIENT - This mineral, originally referred to as “Haematite” wasn’t officially discovered until 1773 by Jean Baptiste rome de I’Isle who removed the first “e” to make it “Hematite.” The name is derived from the Greek word for blood “haima” due to the color the mineral turns when ground to powder.Hematite is a very special mineral that was believed to be used by man 164,000 years ago. A small area south of Mossel Bay in South Africa has been excavated many times since 2000 and produced numerous artifacts dating back hundreds of thousands of years. Interestingly, an observation from one of the excavations was that of writing on a cave wall in a red powder substance. Through extensive research and analysis it was confirmed that this powder was in fact Hematite.

ENERGETIC: Excellent for manifesting your dreams in the real world. It encourages a strong sense of self. It's a stone of attraction, much like that of a magnet.

METAPHYSICAL: One of the most effective grounding stones. It can also be used to balance all of your chakras.

HEMATITE is featured on:
Blue Ray Grounding 8mm
Sedona Grounding 6mm and 8mm
Transgender Rainbow 6mm and 8mm

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