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Channeling and grounding higher energies.


COLOR & LIGHT: Copper is a pinkish-orange metal.

PHYSICAL: LESS COMMON - Copper is one of the primary conductors of electricity. Natural veins are found all over the world. Copper is also a key element in many other minerals.

HISTORICAL: VERY ANCIENT - Copper is one of the few metals that can occur in nature in a directly usable metallic form. This led to very early human use in several regions from 8000 B.C. It is one of the most important metals in history.

ENERGETIC: The master conductor of energy. It amplifies and is an energy conduit for other crystals and energies.

METAPHYSICAL: Copper is ideal for carrying the energy of other crystals and stones. It carries the energies of thoughts and emotions quite easily.

COPPER is featured on:

Sedona Vortex 6mm
Sedona Vortex 8mm

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