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Clear/White/Crackle Quartz

Amplification, Programmability, and Memory

Clear/White/Crackle Quartz

COLOR & LIGHT: Quartz is the traditional rock crystal. It can be clear or white with varying levels transparency or opacity. Quartz is a principle constituent of man made glass, as well as natural glasses such as obsidian.

PHYSICAL: COMMON - Quartz is found on every continent and is among the most abundant minerals. It is a silicon dioxide mineral with a hexagonal crystal system and a hardness of 7. Quartz crystals exhibit the property of piezoelectricity, by which it can transform mechanical energy into electromagnetic energy, and vice versa.

HISTORICAL: ANCIENT - Nearly every culture and civilization has spiritual beliefs and folklore around quartz crystals. The name comes from the Greek for "ice" and some ancients believed that Quartz crystals were water frozen so hard it could never thaw.

ENERGETIC: Quartz is the master energy crystal. Given its piezioelectric qualities, quartz is a master at transforming and moving energy.

METAPHYSICAL: Clear quartz is excellent at amplying the energy of other crystals. Quartz can also be programmed with specific intentions and desires. The crystal can 'hold the pattern of energy' long enough for manifestation to occur. This is often referred to as its memory. Clear Quartz is also a stone of Light.


Clear Quartz Necklace

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