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Optimism, manifestation, and creativity


COLOR & LIGHT: Its yellow color is derived from traces of iron. Its crystal system is triagonal.

PHYSICAL: RARE - A silicon dioxide mineral with a hardness of 7. It is a member of the quartz family. Deposits have been found in Brazil, Africa, Madagascar, Spain, Russia, France, Scotland, and the USA. However, much of the commercially available citrine is heat-treated amethyst.

HISTORICAL: ANCIENT - Citrine was used as a gem in Greece as far back as 300 B.C. The name citrine comes from the French word citron, meaning lemon.

ENERGETIC: Stimulates optimism and positivity in the face of adversity. It magnifies the power of will and manifestation. This is an excellent stone for sustaining the energy to see projects and desires to completion.

METAPHYSICAL: One of the premier stones of the second or Sacral chakra. It awakens the power of creative imagination. Citrine holds the power of transforming dreams into reality.

CITRINE is featured on:

Obsidian Ascension 8mm

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