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Blue Kyanite

Engergy bridges and dreaming

Blue Kyanite

COLOR & LIGHT: Blue Kyanite is a shimmering metalic blue, opaque stone although it can also be found in a variety of colors.

PHYSICAL: RARE - Blue Kyanite is an aluminum silicate mineral with an unusual hardness. Its crystal system is triclinic and it forms elongated, flate, bladelike crystals. It occurs in Brazil, South Africa, Switzerland, Burma, Kenya, Mexico, and USA.

HISTORICAL: NEW - Blue Kyanite was first discovered in 1789 by A.G. Werner and was named after the Greek word “kuanos”, meaning “blue”. Blue Kyanite can be found all throughout the world, with important commercial deposits located in Brazil, Burma, Mexico, South Africa, Namibia, and Kenya..

ENERGETIC: Blue Kyanite has a high vibration and creates a very rapid transfer of energy. It opens the psychic channels and activates the mind centers, accentuating one's mental capacities and enhancing one's ability to 'download' information from higher sources.

METAPHYSICAL: Blue Kyanite can link the physical, astral and causal bodies, catalyzing full consciousness in waking, dreaming, and dreamless sleep. If one chooses to sleep with blue kyanite, the process of lucid dreaming will be greatly stimulated.

BLUE KYANITE is featured on:

Blue Kyanite Necklace

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