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Blue Apatite

Inspiration and vision

Blue Apatite

COLOR & LIGHT: Blue Apatite is a rich blue, opaque stone although it can also be found in a variety of colors.

PHYSICAL: COMMON - Apatite is a calcium phosphate mineral found in a variety of colors such as yellow, blue, green, gray, and brown. It has a hardness of 5.

HISTORICAL: NEW - Apatite was first discovered in 1786 by A.G. Werner, but it’s name came from the Greek word meaning “to deceive”, due to many people mistaking it for other minerals such as Peridot and Beryl. The largest Apatite deposit is in Kirovsk, Russia but can also be found in Brazil, Burma, Madagascar, and Mexico.

ENERGETIC: Apatite will stimulate the intellect and brings ideas from the mind through realizations. This stone allows for a deeper dive and reflection into one’s self, seeking self-insight and inner clarity. Apatite has been known to also successfully suppress hunger.

METAPHYSICAL: Blue Apatite is a stone of manifestation attuned to the future, activating psychic abilities and allowing expansion of knowledge. It bridges the fifth and sixth chakras. It can stimulate visionary and dream states. Blue Apatite is known to increase the strength and frequency of lucid dreaming. It will also aid in astral projection and allow for “vertical vision”, being able to see all levels of consciousness working harmoniously. Anyone working on strengthening and unlocking their highest intuition and vision, Blue Apatite is the stone for you.

BLUE APATITE is featured on:

Water Up Fire Down 8mm
Healing Waters 6mm and 8mm
Caribbean Blue 8mm
Blue Kyanite Necklace

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