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Serenity and compassion


COLOR & LIGHT: Angelite is an opaque mineral that has a beautiful soft blue color, often with white edges.

PHYSICAL: UNCOMMON - Angelite, also known as Blue Anhydrite, is only found in Peru. It is an anhydrous calcium sulfate mineral with a hardness of 3.5 that can associate itself with Calcites and Halites. This stone mainly crystallizes in the form of masses and is rarely seen in crystal form.

HISTORICAL: NEW AGE - Angelite also known as Blue Anhydrite is a mineral first discovered in 1989 by J.I. Koivula and R.C. Kammerling.

ENERGETIC: Encourages compassionate communication. It emanates serenity and benevolence. Angelite is also a calming stone that can help alleviate overwhelming emotions. Simply holding a piece will induce a soothing sensation that slowly works its way throughout the body.

METAPHYSICAL: Angelite is a very high vibrational stone that bridges the fourth, fifth and sixth chakras. It can facilitate angelic communication for guidance. This stone will help attune oneself to a higher frequency, which helps connect both their guardian angels and spirit guides. Angelite will assist one during lucid dreaming attempts, especially if you place the stone next to the pillow you sleep on.

ANGELITE is featured on:

Angel Moon 6mm
Rainbow Chakra/Pride 6mm and 8mm
Tiger Eye Chakra/Pride 6mm and 8mm
Water Up Fire Down 6mm

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