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Harmony, truth, and peace


COLOR & LIGHT: Amazonite is an opaque stone that ranges from a deep blue, to turquoise, to blue-green. The color is usually caused by an elevated content of lead.

PHYSICAL: UNCOMMON - An alkali feldspar mineral (microcline), a potassium aluminum silicate with a hardness of 6 to 6.5. Its crystal system is triclinic and prismatic. Amazonite has been found in Russia, Madagascar, Brazil and the U.S.

HISTORICAL: ANCIENT - This stone was first reported back in 1847 by A. Breithaupt and its name derives from the Amazon River in Brazil, which host an abundance of Amazonite. Although first reported in 1847, Amazonite has been used for at least 4,000 years by ancient civilizations such as the Egypt, India, and Mesopotamia.

ENERGETIC: Amazonite is a stone of peace, truth, harmony, and communication. It gently soothes the nerves, and it’s energies can be felt to the touch. Any environment that Amazonite is placed in will calm the energy and fill the air with positive energies. It’s been called the “peacemaker stone” due to its communicative abilities.

METAPHYSICAL: A throat chakra crystal that helps us speak our truths and feelings without offending. It magnifies our intentions and teaches us to speak truth, and then make what we speak come true. It is helpful for those who are out of touch with their truth and it is a powerful ally for those who struggle in setting boundaries, even internal boundaries. It is a fantastic stone for those who are overly concerned with the opinions and judgments of others.

AMAZONITE is featured on:

White Amazon 6mm

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